As we usher in the Year of the Rabbit, here are some tips to help your portfolio grow by leaps and bounds.

Investing tips for the year of the Rabbit

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Q3 2024 Outlook: Positioning for lower rates

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Multi asset

Q3 2024 Outlook: Positioning for lower rates

25 Jul

Eastspring’s Multi Asset Portfolio Solutions team expects moderating inflation ...

Monthly Views July

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Multi asset

Monthly Views July

17 Jul

We believe that the US economic growth momentum will likely continue to decelerate, as ...

Indonesia’s electric vehicle value chain opportunities

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Indonesia’s electric vehicle value chain opportunities

10 Jul | Equity Team

Indonesia’s growing middle class will underpin vehicle sales.

Seize the opportunities in Asia’s quality bond yields

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Seize the opportunities in Asia’s quality bond yields

03 Jul | Rong Ren Goh , Wai Mei Leong

Asia’s investment grade bonds offer investors an attractive and steady source of income.

Asian Expert webinar – Investment opportunities arising from supply chain rebalancing button play

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Asian Expert webinar – Investment opportunities arising from supply chain rebalancing

27 Jun

As global supply chains diversify, Asia and emerging markets stand to benefit. Find ...

Vietnam: A unique blend of growth and diversification

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Vietnam: A unique blend of growth and diversification

26 Jun | Ngo The Trieu

Vietnam equities delivered attractive returns over the last five years.

Monthly Views June

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Multi asset

Monthly Views June

19 Jun

We believe that US economic growth momentum will likely continue to decelerate, as ...

Why an Emerging Markets ex China strategy still holds value

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Why an Emerging Markets ex China strategy still holds value

12 Jun | Navin Hingorani

A value-driven EM ex China strategy tends to outperform in the long term.

India elections: Key reforms likely to continue amid coalition dynamics

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India elections: Key reforms likely to continue amid coalition dynamics

06 Jun

Key reforms are likely to continue as India’s new government navigates coalition ...

6 winners of supply chain shifts

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Multi asset

6 winners of supply chain shifts

29 May

The rebalancing of global supply chains is a long-term theme which will offer new ...

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