The CSR committee and volunteers held a charity fund raising event in Singapore. They hosted children from the Life Community Services Society Mighty Kids Family Centre to a day of fun and play.
Three volunteers helped build houses and schools in Indonesia, in partnership with Habitat. It was highly enriching and fulfilling for the volunteers to see the local community benefiting from their work.

Volunteers helped to build six houses and refurbished a primary school for the community of the remote Run Village in Cambodia. A chance for them to make a difference to the village they supported.

A group of volunteers celebrated the mid-autumn festival by making mooncakes and Chinese lanterns with the elderly from the Metta Welfare Association.

The CSR committee organised a donation drive where many staff generously donated new and preloved items to ItsRainingRaincoats – a charity that seeks to improve the welfare of migrant workers in Singapore.
The Asia Value Equities Team prepared meals at the Willing Hearts Charity where they chopped, cooked and packed meals for their beneficiaries such as the elderly, disabled, low income families, children from single parent families or otherwise poverty stricken families, and migrant workers in Singapore.