About the whitepaper
Asia continues to transform, powered by digitalisation, rising technological capabilities and deeper connectivity. Eastspring Investments and PwC Singapore have developed a whitepaper that examines why Asia’s next transformation will be different from the last, and the new opportunities for investors.
This whitepaper is based on a survey of 100 C-suite executives of global corporations across multiple industries, interviews with senior executives from some of Asia’s leading companies, and in-depth research. It offers perspectives on diverse opportunities in the nine selected markets in the region.
Asia’s transformation story
Asia’s transformation is happening across three key dimensions. Diverse economies can support businesses in rebalancing and building new growth models. This will lead to new opportunities across multiple sectors given the region’s expanding consumer base, technological advancement and green transition. Improving infrastructure, government initiatives, and a growing skilled talent pool are some of the enablers facilitating these opportunities.

Additional reads

Resource-rich Asia supports new growth areas
As Asia progresses on its path to achieve sustainable development, opportunities will emerge across a wide range of sectors.

Unlock the value in Asia’s supply chains
Supportive policies and country comparative advantages will see Asia’s global and regional production share expand over time.

Tapping the potential of the new Asian Consumer
The behaviour of Asian consumers is changing, resulting in both challenges and opportunities for consumer companies.

The case for Asia
Asia will continue to be the fastest growing region in the world as new drivers emerge..

Bond investing in Asia: Peaking bond yields..
Peaking bond yields, measured rate hikes in Asia and still healthy credit fundamentals..

Value investing in Asia: A multi-year opportunity
Strategic shifts towards decarbonisation and dual supply chains..

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