How can you bring home the bacon in 2019?

The year of the Pig could be a prosperous one for anybody, if we heed these hog-idioms and pigspressions.

It’s the year of the Pig and pigs are seen as a symbol of wealth and fortune. What are some hog-idioms and pigspressions that can guide us to a more prosperous year?

1. Don’t go chasing a greased pig.

Luck is not an investment strategy. Even a blind pig finds a truffle now and then, but that doesn’t mean anything. Chasing your fortune while relying on luck would be like chasing a greased pig. It would just slip out of your hands.

2. You’re not a pig to the slaughter.

Before buying or putting money into anything, make sure you do your own research so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into — even if the trend is to get something else and everyone is doing it. You won’t want to get stuck in a situation that you didn’t sign up for, like a pig to the slaughter.

3. Only amateurs go hog-wild.

Investments can be tempting, especially when you first start and you've made your first buck. Be a professional. Restrain yourself so you don't start buying everything without deciding rationally.

4. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Be honest and admit to any poor decisions that you've made. It will only increase your learning experiences and help you become a better decision-maker in the future. Trying to make your investments seem like they’re still valuable when they’re not will only inflate your losses; if you have a losing investment, cut it.

5. Pigs can’t be fattened on market day.

Since you've already started investing, why not go the whole hog and look into going long-term? Just like you can't fatten the pig on market day, investments also take time to “fatten”, bringing you more profit than a short-term one.

At Eastspring Investments, we believe that a patient time frame can improve the probability of outcomes. Read our insights to find out more.